Sunday, December 9, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree

Ella's first time hanging an ornament!

Much more fun to take off running with the candy canes!

Originally she tried to eat the candy cane ornament. But upon investigation she decided to hang it on the tree, then immediately take it off and taste it again.

Helping to hang an ornament and not knock over the tree. She is like a bull in a china shop!

After five minutes of helping Mom she was all done. I guess she wasn't too found of having to leave the ornament on the tree.

Along with Ella having enough of decorating, apparently everyone else did too. Michelle is working on the computer, Ella is playing at the house, Todd is watching TV, and Ter is sipping a soda staring at Ella's pants. I'm still decorating.

Me: "Todd, do we really have to add this ornament?" Todd: "Yes! I love that one." Whatever floats your boat! Don't worry its on the back!

Ter looks on as I continue to decorate.

I'm adding a little ambiance to the affair, while Ter inspects an ornament and its placement. I'm not sure if she liked it or moved it.

The completed project. I love my Martha Stewart tree skirt.

A Christmas Photo Attempt

Our first attempt. I was not satisfied so I pushed the issue. BIG MISTAKE! Looks like this is our winner.

An attempt to get an action shot. Look at that Buddha belly! I love it!

Begining of a meltdown. An early introduction to the "Terrible Two's".

Aunt Shell steps in for reinforcement. Notice Ella reaching for the camera. Sidenote: I think Michelle looks so pretty in this picture.

Her infamous "O" face.
On our last attempt she became attached to this random teddy bear. She's one what do you want.

An Angry Ella

Attempting to open the fridge herself. Notice the shopping cart, I think she was playing grocery store.

So she came to me crying to get her way. What did she want you ask? Nothing! She just wanted to fridge to be open.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Long Time No Blog

Its been almost a month since my last post....yikes! Well to all those who do not know Ella's surgery went very well. Just last week she had her follow up and she is doing wonderfully. As a matter of fact she is rolling a ball across the floor and chasing after it as we speak. I guess little things entertain toddlers. Oh no she is approaching the computer. This might be short! Anyways, she will have to go to the cardiologist every year til 5, then after that ever 3 to 5 years depending on her health. Thank you to all for your prayers and concern!

Sorry I can't post pictures. Michelle has my camera since she dropped and broke hers. She reassures me that by Thursday I will have it back. I'm not sure why this day. I will have lots to post from Thanksgiving, putting up our tree and other random fun. No one could of ever made me believe having my little girl could bring so much joy and fun to my life. I always say to my mom that she never liked me as much as I like Ella. No joking she agrees!

Liah a special message to you- Ella would like to tell you she LOVES your new pictures on the blog. Everytime she sees you she giggles. Are you two secretly plotting something?

Look for pictures soon. I'll be sure to capture Todd assembling the tree!

Here's to Happy Holidays!