Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A quick word

Well tomorrow is Ella's big surgery day. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. It's a very scary situation putting your childs care into someone elses hands. If you know my mothering style this rarely happens and when it does I call at least 3 times. To not have any control or say so in that operating room completely puts me in a state of high anxiety. So far no tears but it is early. I keep telling myself to be strong and that it will all be ok. I somehow sense Aunt Deb's spirit with me. Whenever I really need to be strong and not cry I think of her. She's always been the one thing in life that makes me hold my chin high up. Maybe thats why God gave her to me as a godmother. She once said to me whenever I need her look up at the sky and know she's looking at the same stars. Then hold out your arms and she will hug me from far away.

Here's to looking up at those stars and getting a hug from far away.

P.S. Thank you to Mom and Michelle for being there for all of us. And especially for being the best grandma and aunt any child could have. Thank you God for blessing me with these two very special women.

Random Fun

Ella's personality summed up all in one photo.

Ella's flower costume. Well the head part.

Mommy and Ella

It was 46 degrees out and Ella decided to dress herself in this outfit. Complete with my very old Punky Brewster slippers. Needless to say we didn't leave the house.

My favorite place to play- the pantry!

This picture just makes me smile.

Making dinner. Yes she wears pants! She just prefers to go without.

The proud parents. Todd was caught mid-yawn!

Grandma Gives Me Gum...Yum!

Helping herself to a piece of grandma's gum.

To quote Ter,"Ella, I don't think you are going to like that. It's hot." Ella: "ot?!"

This stuff is delicious. How come Mom never lets me have this.

OK it's a bit hot, here you try.


Ella was suppossed to be a flower for Halloween but refused to put the costume on. So instead she got all wet in the dogs bowls. I guess it was more fun than trick or treat. Oh well, there's always next year.